
Dec 1, 2012

It's Already December


yo... lme x update blog eh? ahaa... dh msuk bln 12 r kn.. ya Allah, cpt tol mse berlalu... rse cm bru je dftar kolej smlm.. tup2 dh nk final r.. ahaks.. final? errkk.. 3 jan nnt 1st paper, anatomy n phisiology.. erkk.. paper 1st tu, nahas3.. T_T btw, dlm mse sebulan ni mcm2 bnde berlaku... huhu.. 

ktorg dak2 envi part 1 sume terlibat ngn tree planting event ni kt shah alam... event tu pd 24 nov yg lps.. miss J roger kt ktorg mse kelas gnti intro ritu.. pe yg lwk, pres ehsan sndri xtau yg ktorg akn g event tu.. dye terkjut ble ado sorg dak kelas aku tye kt pres sal etika pakaian utk event tu.. dye sndri pn xtau so cmne nk gtau sal etika pakaian kn? btw, ley pkir secara logik r kot.. ni event tanam pokok.. msing2 dh bsr.. xkn ler nk g tanam pokok pki heels ke hape.. hahaha.. yg plg best part ktorg nk gerak g tmpt tnam pkok tu.. nek lori mbsa.. lol..

kelas x?? lol
pepon, mmg best event ni even aku sgt pnt.. hohoh... mne aku x pnt? mlm sblom tu, aku x tdo.. siapkn video pengenalan smf *nmpk x disitu dedikasinya aku?? :P*   nga syok3 wt vid tu kt prezi, sdar2 dh subuh.. mmg x tdo ler gamaknya.. hahahha... dh ler kne kumpul kol 7.. kumpul ja pn.. last2 gerak kol 8.. -.- wt pnt aku trun awl..

ni event yg dihandle oleh biro ttk saf.. wakil persatuan nada.. k.biro ttk, aiza as pengarah... event pd 29 nov.. bru lg kn.. hahaha.. even aku x terlibat secara lngsung ngn event ni sepatutnya, lastnya aku gk yg set up multimedia bgai time tu.. huhu.. reasonnya org yg sepatutnya set up tu ado test n dtg lmbt skit.. xpo le, ado pengalaman skit, tlg menolong.. :) pepon yg tngkp gmbr 4 sure aku ler.. ahaks.. nseb bek abg izzat ado mse kejadian, klo idok, xdo spe yg handle handy cam.. xkn aku kot.. aku photog aku gk videographer? tettt.. gilos.. pepon thnx sesgt abg izzat ok.. >.<

our dean.. dr hamzah.. very sporting.. yeah~

abg hafiz roslan, ketua kontinjen mengetuai bacaan ikrar..

sumo ckp dorg ni cm adek beradik.. ada iras2 kn?? >.<

snior2 yg sporting chaa.. >.<

sian pres kita abg faizal dipinggirkn.. ahaks.. XD

our vvip..

ngn family smf yg awesome.. >.<

ni fully organized by smf n mpp.. huhu.. n aku sbgai biro multimedia kne wt video pengenalan smf.. almost 1 week +/- aku bertarung nyawa bertungkus lumus siapkn natang ni..tiap2 ari aku tdo lmbt.. n again, thnx so much to abg izzat.. sbb tlg aku editkn gmbr2 formal ahli2 smf.. klo dye xdo, xtau ler cmne aku nk edit sume tu.. aku mne rti sgt pn.. just last skali gmbr kak nadwah tu aku edit sndri.. cm plek gk hasilnya.. hahahaha.. byk bnde aku kne blaja dri abg izzat ni.. huhuhu... vid tu aku x upload lg. mls.. XD 

ngn org kuat smf.. kak akma!!
overall event berjalan ngn ok.. even ado kesilapan teknikal skit kt part aku.. again, part aku.. rse nk nges jaa... huaaa... maaf ler korg, again slap kt part aku.. pasni mmg kne cri software yg abg izzat ckp tu.. yg dpt *hide* aktiviti kt desktop lappy tnpa kco pe yg terpapar kt projektor.. huhu.. isu plg bwk dibangkit 4 sure r sal kolej.. haha.. bse r..  aku x rti nk ulas kt sni lak.. lol..

En Zaini yg byk support SMF.. :')

next event, SAF... start esok tp ado 1 sukan ja sok... mostly sukan start 3 hb.. huhuhu.. aku pye time utk trun uitm shah alam : 6hb.. 7hb tu ado test.. kelas x?? hahaha... nnt klo bwk notes g sne mcm ler aku bc kn.. haha.. pepon, goodluck kt sume atlet saf fsk!! SEDERAP MENCIPTA KEJAYAAN!!


 abes ja event DBD smlm, nek kolej sat mndi skjp.. pastu aku, syafiq, mas n kak ieda n certain membe2 kak ieda g main badminton.. mmg keluar abes r peluh... lme siot x bersukan.. mmg aku cpt semput.. lol... tp serius best... tmpt pn ok.. thnx kak ira tlg antr kt secret recipe n then kak ieda lak amekkn g court n anta ktorg blek kolej.. huhuhu... lain kali g lg eh?? >.<

n fyi, dorg dak smf ni dok menumpang setinggan kt blik aku... n thnx finaz sbb bg dye menumpang kt blik kita ni.. hahaha... mlm td, mmg dok smbg r ngn mas.. bedtime story sal smf.. tett.. siot jaa kn.. tp xpe, nga smbg2 tu dpt gk idea utk gimik perasmian MPG DEG 25 hb nnt.. huhuhu... pfft.. skg ni si mas nga syok skype ngn family dye utk tgk bola.. haha.. aku suh g raff xmo.. ish3... >.<

Nov 17, 2012

Miss Them So Much..


yo guys.. sht? lme den x update blog.. hahaha.. bz skit 2 3 menjak ni.. tmbh lg last week mmg bz smpaikn tdo pn x ckop sgt.. hahahaha... this week bru dpt rilek3 skit.. haha..

poster SAF
logo SAF
fyi, fsk uitm thn ni akn msuk SAF (sukan antara fakulti).. ktorg kne anta wakil le kiranya utk saf ni.. n 4 sure SMF yg kne handle bnde ni... bnde ni ktorg dpt tau 3 mngu j sblom event ni bermula.. x gilos ka? tension den.. aku jdi ketua biro publisiti & informasi.. 1st task aku wt poster.. ermm.. 3 4 mlm gk ler aku wt poster tu smpi boss aku puas hati.. hahaha.. abes wt poster smbg wt logo SAF lak.. ni pn amek mse 2 3 mlm.. hahaha... sbor je ler kn... btw poster n logo yg aku reka  ni simple jaa.. sbb aku ni x rti sgt sal multimedia.. huhu.. aku ske fotografi jaa.. btw, nnt msti bz gler ngn saf ni.. dh ler saf ni bertindih ngn event yg lain.. adoyai.. semoga dipermudahkn urusan kami Ya Allah.. insyaAllah.. >.<

ri ahd ritu uzaier n azri mai palam utk amek kad siswa dorg.. lpk kt raff.. smbg2.. msing2 x byk berubah just azri mkin mtang aku rse.. dye x bwk pn mouse comp dye mse g unimap utk elakkn main games terlampau.. bgus ler ang ad effort cmtu azri.. aku ni sme ja cm dlu.. pes 1 keutamaan.. hohohoh... smbg2 sal kos msing2 sgt menarik.. uzaier pye kos lbey kureng cm aku pye kos just more to environmental techno.. huhuh.. best tu.. n plg geram credit hours dye skit.. arghh.. jeles den.. hahahaha... n then dorg cm x cye aku msuk smf.. hahahah.. tp sdey lak, aku lpe nk snap gmbr dorg.. huhuhu.. sadis jaa...

n then msuk mgu ni ado 2 kali cuti umum kn.. selasa cuti diwali.. so isnin tu ain n ara mai palam... huhuhu.. best ok... dpt lpk ngn dorg.. isnin tu birthday ain.. alolo.. dak kecik dh bsr.. tp bdn kecik ja lg.. hahahaha... mlm tu g angsana mkn coolblog.. hahaa.. lpk smpi kol 11 mlm gk r... smbg2 n smpt gk call ikram tye khabar... huhuhu.. selasa tu aku skip event ehsan n lpk ngn dorg kt setia city mall.. huhuh... dorg nk sgt g situ sbb dlu mse ktorg asasi mall tu xdo lg.. huhuhu... pe yg best? ktorg msuk hmpir stiap kdai gadjet kt situ sbbnya ara nga usha ipad mini dh mai ke blom.. hahaha... berkenan sgt ngn ipad mini tu.. >.< btw, serius best dpt lpk ngn dorg.. huhuhu..

best dpt jmpe ara n ain.. huhuh.. sempat gk aku nge'test' lens bru.. >.<

xdpt tgk movie pn xpe ler jnji dpt bergmbr pn ok.. hahaha
tgh hari tu mse tgu bas nk blek palam, tetbe nmpk dak kelas aku trun bas rapid.. dorg tros ajk aku stay kt mall n join dorg.. huhuhu.. aku pn nga bosan pn join ler.. time tu aku bg ara kunci bilik aku n pesan kt dye tngglkn kunci tu kt housemate aku.. hehe... aku ngn dak kelas g main boling.. murah pn murah kt setia city mall ni.. rm10 termsuk sewa ksut.. not bad r utk lps tension kn.. dh ler aku mng.. ahaks.. bgga sat.. terlolol.... n plg best smpi palam blek dkt kol 8.. dh lme kot aku x kuar lme cmtu... HAHAHA.. puas hati aku....

ri rabu lak xd kelas just ptg tu ado perjumpaan ehsan.. ado ka vid kump aku ditygkn.. mmg lwk r.. tergelak2 aku tgk vid tu.. btw, kump aku iaitu kump 4 mng ok.. utk explorace mse orientasi envi ritu.. huhuhu.. hadiah berupa mknan yg tersgt ler byk terutama maggi.. lol... khamis lak cuti awl muharam aku join kak nad, kak zack n kak hanim g sunway pyramid.. amek ko, dlm smngu 2x aku kuar jln.. hahahaha... release tension pye psal.. lgpn dh org ajk g j ler, dh ler nek kete.. mmg selesa.. huhuhu.. smpt gk merasa archery kt sunway tu.. best r gk.. just bse r, 1st time main mmg stndard r x dpt bulls eye.. sdey ja.. lol..

n then rini jumaat ado kelas anp... tp sblom tu usop n kak ros mai palam.. kak ros mai lmbt... huhuhu.. tgh hari td lunch ngn usop n puan aisyah kt pendeta.. n terima kasih sesgt puan sbb blanje ktorg td.. serba salah gk td.. huhuhuhu... n td smbg2 xyh ckp ler, mmg byk smbg sal asasi dlu.. huhuh.. dlm hati aku terdetik "kn bgus klo sume ada n kumpul cmni, msti lg best!!" ya Allah, rndunya aku ngn dak2 asasi.. dorg the best classmates pnh aku ada.. hahahaha... n then td dpt gk korek smething dri usop.. ppfftt.. btw, hal ni just aku n dak kelas aku ja tau.. huhu.. btw usop, nnt ang dh bli fon bru jual kt aku tau mozart ang tu.. aku mmg bermnt ngn windows fon tp xdo bjet.. hahaha.. murah2 sudaa ler...  >.< kak ros td smpt jmpe skjp ja kt blik smf mse aku nga dok lpk.. sbb dye nga rushing nk g ganu.. bse ler org tu blaja kt ganu kn... hahaha... x smpt kak ros nk jmpe usop.. n aku pn melepas coolblog yg usop nk blanje.. haishhh.. sdey toll.. lol...

next week yana n matrid lak nk mai... tp x sure lg hari pe n ble... klo dorg mai ari bse ley gk roger ngn puan aisyah utk jmpe.. hahaha.. serba salah gk aku td ngn puan aisyah sbbnya ni 1st time aku jmpe dye sjk deg ni even aku dok blaja kt palam gk.. maaf puan.. huhuhu..

korg, even dpt jmpe korg skjp je tp dpt gk lepas rndu.. pfft.. serius aku ckp even agk lwk kenyataan aku tu.. HAHAHA... ble lg eh nk kumpul2 rmi eh.??!! pepon, all the best kt sume, x lme lg nk final r.. eh3, skejp j kn mse berlalu.. huhuhu... all the best my frens!! >.<

Salam Maal Hijrah buat semua umat Islam yang mengenali aku.. >.<

Oct 30, 2012



amcm sume? sht? firstly nk wish 'Selamat Hari Raya Eid Ul Adha'.. maaf le wish agk lmbt.. hehe.. bz skit.. huhu.. fyi, aku skg nga cuti mid sem n berada kt ipoh ni haa.. huhu.. smngu r gk dpt cuti.. best sbb dh lme x bercuti katakn.. almaklumlah degree ni bz.. 3 mngu r aku xd weekend (sblom cuti ni).. ado ja program setiap weekend.. orientasi, dinner, mngu alam sekitar, KI, and so on.. so, entri ni aku nk share skit sal life aku dlm mse 2 3 mngu ni.. :)

ngn dak2 part 1 n some sniors envi..
Hari Hey Kawan
1st, meh kita start ngn 1st week xdo weekend.. huhu.. sdey tau xd weekend.. cuti ni bru merasa weekend.. 6 n 7 oct ritu aku ado kemahiran insaniah - KI.. bnde ni sume student wajib join.. spe x g, xley graduate.. amek ko.. dsyt x.. haha.. btw, time ni just dak part 1 ja terlibat.. student2 part lain, KI dorg lain wktu.. pe aktiviti mse KI? mcm2.. aku pn dh x engt lorh.. hahaha.. btw, aku 1 group ngn khazrul n sherry.. huhu.. dak envi bsing tol mse KI.. happening tol... n for the 1st time aku dok present dpn membe2 kos lain yg x smpi sehari aku knl.. aku sndri x cye aku present.. lol..

k, msuk 2nd week.. dak part 1 envi ado orientasi "hari hey kawan".. 11-13 oct.. dianjurkn oleh snior2 part 3 envi yg serius aku ckp sgt sempoi.. beruntung dpt snior yg best.. ahaks.. part plg aku xley lper mse explorace.. hell yeah.. mmg gilos tol stiap check point... plg xley bla check point 'mangkuk bertingkat'.. arghhh.. mkanan plek2 doh.. msuk2 mulut tros rse loya tekak.. hell yeah.. -.- klo x slap aku ado wasabi.. weekkk.. sumpah aku xmo mkn r.. grr.. oh yeah, mse ni aku group ngn lam, nik, kak aida, khuzaimah, fyka.. sume gilos2.. n plg best mse last nite event, snior2 yg sempoi ni anta ktorg nek kolej nek kete.. woot2.. best.. hahaha... thnx sume snior.. the best orientation! oh yeah, lpe nk roger... 2nd week tu ari sabtu ahd aku ado kelas epidemiology.. mmg kls utk tdo.. ZZzzz..

16 oct.. ado mpg utk student dip part 5.. aku jdi biro multimedia.. fyi, aku skg menjdi exco multimedia, publisiti & fotografi utk smf fsk.. pe tu smf? sekretariat mahasiswa fakulti.. alhamdulillah diberi lg kepercayaan utk memegang jwtn ni.. huhu.. sdey gk sbb kne dok kt laptop ja.. asalnya aku nk tngkp gmbr.. tp then kne dok laptop.. sob3.. pepon, mmg best.. byk bnde aku blaja mse dinner ni.. n aku sng bekerja ngn kak ain yg sempoi.. huhu.. kak ain, best kje ngn akk.. msing2 bru bru nk blaja sal multimedia ni.. gelak2 ktorg mse nk setting bgai ritu.. blek kolej dkt kol 1.. mmg ngantok ler.. smpi2 tros tido.. haha.. nov ni ado lg mpg but for degree part 7 lak... still aku biro multimedia.. hahaha... nk tgk gmbr mse mpg? kat SINI
nmpk x disitu aku nga tension seketika.. haha
ngn snior2 envi yg menjdi biro utk mpg kali ni.. :)
ngn sebahagian biro2 utk mpg kali ni..

n last skali 3rd week.. 20 oct ado kelas epid.. again.. kco btol.. dh le dri kol 8.30 smpi kol 12.20.. mmg kls utk aku tdo.. maaf ler Dr.. mmg sy x phm ngn sbjek ni.. dok terang mata pn den x phm.. so, tdo ler.. nseb bek ptg tu xdo pape sgt.. so dpt rilek skit.. huhuh.. ahd tu ado event kt tasek titiwangsa.. Minggu Alam Sekitar Malaysia.. this time, xdo gmbr.. hahaha.. btw, smpt gk aku jmpe ngn aiyshah skjp.. aiyshah ni dak kelas aku mse aku asasi.. huhuhu.. kak aiyshah, jge lek lok botol air tu.. jgn bg hilang ok.. haha..

actually byk j bnde yg berlaku dlm mse 3 mngu ni.. mntg2 le dh nk cuti mse tu.. abes bz kemain ler... ngn event2, test2 n dll.. sat ni mse cuti mid ni le bru dpt aku dok tdo lme skit.. haha... tu pn byk assignment.. x sntuh lg.. arghh... k r, otak dh mereng skit pg2 buta ni.. kang x pasal2 aku tulis bnde3 merepek lak.. hahaa.. nites u alls.. :)

Oct 3, 2012



sht sume? syukur alhamdulillah aku sht... but a bit tension.. tension ngn sbjek anatomy & physiology ler apa lg.. hahaha... the toughest paper 4 this sem 1 guess.. hehe... n then ngn assignment yg bertmbun.. yg hmpir sume kne hntr next week.. this week mmg agk bz skit.. ngeh3.. sbtu ahd dh ler ad kemahiran insaniah - KI.. program wajib fakulti.. klo x g, x ley graduate.. dsyt x.. haha..

aku xmo tulis pnjg2 sbb xd idea sgt pn.. just nk share sdikt berita gembira.. alhamdulillah aku terpilih utk menjdi Exco Penerbitan, Publisiti & Fotografi utk EHSAn (x pasti btol ke x nama penuh btol ke x) hehe.. terima kasih kpd MT sbb memberi kepercayaan kpd aku utk memegang jwtn ni.. insyaAllah aku akn laksanakan sebaik mungkin.. 

n then ptg td ad meeting EHSAn.. just a simple meeting.. utk pemberitahuan tentang tugas exco2 n sesi perkenalan shj.. rmi lg yg aku x bpe nk engt nama tmbh lg akk2 n abg2 part 5.. maaf ye.. tp akk2 n abg2 part 3 rmi dh knl.. knl mse g interview ehsan.. hehe.. sume sempoi2... ^_^

pfftt.. sok ado kelas ANP.. hopefully ley thn mata selama 3 jam.. ngee...

Oct 2, 2012



yo guys.. sht?? aku sntiasa sht.. hahaha...  lme gk kot x update.. almaklumlah dh namanya student.. bse r bz.. ngeh3... btw, aku dh xtau nk buh tjuk pe, tu aku main buh tjuk 'HS2231A'.. bndenye HS2231A tu? tu nama kos n kelas aku... HS223 - bachelor of environmental health & safety (hons).. 1A - part 1..  anda phm? hehe... dak kelas aku stakat ni ado 37 org.. rmi kot.. dlu mse asasi dak c9 ado 27 org ja.. so, kali ni 'mmg' ler aku hafal nama dorg.. lol..

btw, td aku ngn dak kelas g mcd rmi2.. xdo ler rmi mne pn.. termsuk aku 9 org.. hahaha.. yg g aku, yana, eliya, nad, amal, sofea, hazim, aslam & syafiq.. n then kt mcd berlaku r sesi perkenalan antra dak laki n membe2 aku yg pmpuan ni.. hahaha.. aku mmg knl ngn dak laki, sbb kt fb aku main lyn ja komen2 ngn dorg.. hahahaha.... bse r, dh rmi sgt dak kelas, mmg sush nk knl sume.. =D

aku dok mkn mcd samurai.. sdp kot.. tp mhal.. set large 14 ragak.. hahaha... dok2 kt mcd dpt lak wifi, mmg dwnload gmae sat.. sea star.. mmg cm game bdak2 tp sush kot.. sbor j ler.. smbil2 mkn tu mmg cm bse, aku ske snap gmbr org.. gmbr candid... yg slalo jdi mngsa aku, hazim ler.. dh dye dok dpn aku... haha.. jgn mrh hazim... lain kali aku tngkp gmbr ang yg sedia ready byk2 eh.. >.<

meh aku upload skit gmbr mse kt mcd.. (^_^)v

aslam & syafiq

amal & nad

syafiq suap aslam.. hahaha

hazim. ngeh3..

eliya, amal, nad, sofea

sedap woo.. tp mhal.. -.-

nga dok2 mkn n smbg2 ngn dorg, amal dpt msj... msj tu tulis aku, amal, ainur, n alin terpilih menjdi exco EHSAn.. alhamdulillah.. aku x expect pn dpt.. lgpn ritu aku sje mencuba nseb g interview.. lgpn time tu aku pkir aku dpt bina keyakinan utk ckp ngn org yg aku x knl.. haha.. lgpn aku terdorong ngn abg aku.. dye suh aku libatkn diri ngn aktiviti2 kepimpinan cmtu.. aku pn sdr kepentingan bnde tu.. hehe.. pepon, aku akn start dri bwh, mulai dgn exco EHSAn.. insyaAllah aku jln tnggungjwb aku sebaik mngkin... terima kasih kpd MT EHSAn sbb memberi kpercayaan pd aku utk jdi exco.. TQ~
aku ado gk mhon utk SMF..  tp xtau lg cmne.. borg pn x serah lg.. hahaha.. x letak harapan pn kt SMF ni, nmpk gaya cm sush tol nk dpt... hehe.. aku akn cuba yg terbaik mse interview nnt.. doakn aku eh.. =D

oh yeah, next week ktorg ado kuiz biochem.. adoyai... dh ler biochem kali ni ad r part2 yg aku kureng gemar mse aku asasi... buffer, organic chem bgai... tu silibus mse aku sem 2 asasi.. n fyi, sem 2 chem aku agk trok.. sigh~ btw, wish me luck ok.. n then sblom rya haji ktorg ado test.. hermmm.. anatomy & phisiology msuk smpi chap 4... aku "like wth, byk siot.. TT_TT  " nges aku nk pulun n hfal sume tu.. i gonna die.. terlolol...

n bsenye klo ad mse, mmg aku akn smbg2 ngn dak c9.. serius aku ckp, aku sgt rndukn dorg... the best classmates ever!! skg msing2 dh bwk hala tuju msing2, sume makin terasa tension n stress.. terutama dak2 yg amek kos medik n health sc.. msing2 tension ngn anatomy.. aku pn sme tension ngn sbjek tu kot.. haha... hjung mngu ritu smbg2 ngn aiyshah n zu best ja.. aku suh dorg tgk movie UNREST.. lol.. mmg sesuai utk dak medic.. ngeh3.. seram mmg seram tp aku x sngka gk dorg tgk even skit.. haha.. aiyshah lg ler, tgk sorg2.. roommates dye xdo.. sian ang kak aiyshah.. nnt smbg tgk eh klo ritu ang x abes tgk lg.. td lak mse g mcd ngn dak envi, aku serta merta teringat mse aku g mcd ngn dak c9 mse sem 1... haiyoo.. aku dok palam ni mmg sng btol teringat kenangn ngn dak2 c9.. miss u guys damn much c9-nians... ^_^

Sep 23, 2012

My Life


yo, lme x update.. hahaha... last update mse 1st day lecture ritu.. haha.. lme r... btw, last week 14 sept aku blek umh... yola cuti smpi isnin lgpn.. rugi ler klo x blek.. lgpn pasni just blek mse cuti mid sem iaitu mse raya haji... lg sebulan kot.. aiyoo.. lmbt tol...

btw, nk dipendekkn cte.. mlm jumaat tu, dak umh aku prank aku.. sbubnya birthday aku jumaat tu... gilos kne prank ngn dorg.. aiyooo... jumaat tu lak abes kelas awl.. engtnya ley le blek ipoh tiket awl kot dlm kol 1.15 or 3.15... tup2 nk tngu rapid pn sejam lbey... aku trun kt bus stand dkt kol 11.. bus rapid smpi kol 12.30++.. gilos kn... dh ler rmi tol student.. bus u90 lak ado 2 ja?? ishh... then lek lok ja smpi kalng sentral kol 1.. aku punyalah excited engt dpt bli tiket kol 1.15... tgk2, tiket abes.. kol 1.15, 3.15, 5.15 sume abes.. yg ado kol 6.15... wth.... korg bygkn aku dok kt kalng sentral tu sorg2 dkt 5 jam... grr... bosan tol.. disebabkn jumaat tu birthday aku, so dpt le free call.. aku nga tgh bosan call le syer, membe aku.. nk tau bpe lme aku call dye.. dkt 2 jam kot.. aku pn xtau pe ktorg smbg... bhahahaha... gila tol kita ni syer! >.<

then 6.15 nek le bus... tu pn bknnya gerak g ipoh tros.. bus tu g seksyen 17 dlu.. gmpeng tol... so mse dok dlm bus tu aku call le syifa... haha.. lme gk le aku call dye.. smpi bateri aku "merah" kot.. dh nk abes... btw, ado ka dye lpe yg ritu birthday aku.. dye sdr pn ble tye aku x abes kdt ke aku call dye.. then aku ckp free call.. then bru dye "ouh, birthday akk!! lper... sori!!" aku: "hahaha.. -.- " thnx syifa sbb tmn akk smbg mse akk nga boring.. hehe.. btw, mlm tu akk call kmu, kmu x angkt.. -__-

dok umh, aku mmg xd kje lain ler... pe lg.. dwnload movies le... haha.. selama aku dok kt umh, aku dpt download 6 movies.. sume blue ray version.. so grafik lawa... haha... then last nite aku kt umh mak aku wt 1 mknan tu.. pe nama aku xtau.. ala2 sandwich tp bkn... gmbr ad, tp aku mls nk upload kt sini.. ahaks.. aku ado upload kt fb aku.. membe3 sume tye pe bnde tu n resepinya... lol...

then isnin tu aku blek palam nek kete.. yeah.. nseb bek nek kete.. nek ngn cousin aku ngn bf/tunang dye... gilos jln jammed... gerak dri hospital ipoh dlm kol 2++ smpi palam kol 7++.. aku dok dlm kete tu 5 jam sakit pnggang den... aiyoo.. btw, awl2 tu ekot jln pekan, x ekot highway sbb jln jammed... elok2 tapah try le msuk highway, amek ko.. jln jammed.. kete gerak slow tol... pastu dh black/wan fedup, dye msuk blek jln pekan btol2 exit selepas tapah tu... hahaha... elok ja lju ekot jln pekan... ktorg msuk highway blek pn mse exit ke mne x engt.. tp time tu dh dkt2 ngn ulu bernam.. haha... n then ado 1 kes ni, mmg lwk... ado ke ter'miss' exit paya jaras... nseb bek ley patah blek kt jelutong tu.. aku rso ja x blek palam time tu... hahahaha.. btw thnx mia n black/wan sbb anta aku tau.. klo aku nek bus xtau le smpi palam kol bpe... >.<


msuk bab palam lak... aku student envi kt palam ni.. silibus ya Allah, sushnya... anatomy n phisiology, biochem, epidemiology, organizational behavior, intro to envi etc... yg hardcore anatomy n biochem... ritu msuk kelas mr razif, 3 chap sekali dlm mse 3 jam... like wht... mmg le aku phm... grr... n then assignment gilos byk... stiap chap 100 sokln obj n 15 sokln sub... so total sume 400 sokln obj, 60 sub.. dye bg mse 1 bln... gilos kn... arghh!!!!!!! epidemiology lak aku xphm pe bnde aku blaja... nk ckp sbjek sc bkn, nk ckp math pn bkn... cm statistic pn ado tp bkn... aiyoo... im dead!! T_T

btw, ritu ado interview utk spe2 yg nk jdi ajk ehsan - environmental health student association... so, aku g le mencuba nseb.. lol.. aku try mntk jwtn exco fotografi.. haha.. mmg ler aku mnt kn.. hehe.. pepon, xtau lg dpt ke x.. klo dpt alhamdulillah, klo x, xde rezeki le.. lgpn sje mencuba nseb... lgpn aku x sngka pn aku ley nk apply n g interview.. sokln xyh ckp ler.. unexpected.. huishh... aku pn x sngka aku ley jwb sokln2 interview.. tu pn jwpn ntah pape... hehe.. 

oh ya.. buku byk tol kne bli.. dh lme sume mhal2.. aiyoo... ctu - 25.. anatomy - 125.. biochem - 70.. tu blom lg bku2 yg lom bli lg... n then bju korporat lg - 80.. haha.. nseb bek ado duit wpp ritu.. mmg aku gne duit tu ja utk byr bnde2 bgai tu... hahahaa.... next week 28/9 ni ado dinner utk ehsan.. rmi dak kelas aku xmo g.. aku ekot majoriti ler.. haha.. dh le camera aku xd, tngal kt ipoh... mmg xd feel nk g dinner ble dslr aku xd.. hahahaha...

pepon, aku still rndukn dak2 c9.. i miss u all guys!! ble nk gather ni wey? meh ler korg mai palam!!  ^_^

Sep 11, 2012

1st Day


hye guys.. how ur day?? mine quite boring.. hahaha... rini dh start lecture... hepy? xdo mkna.. rini 1st class blaja sal 'organizational behaviour'.. erk.. mmg ler aku phm.. definition bgai.. formal organization, informal organization, type of organzation, advantages n disadvantages bla bla... i like wth.. aku ni student health sc ka hape? blur2.. hahaha... ptg td pas kelas env417, ktorg ado tklimat fakulti.. then ado taklimat ekot kos.. aku tgk sume lecturer2 kos aku ni gempak2 kot.. sume blaja master kt overseas... woah.. mmg aku nmpk kos aku ni ado nilai komersial, tp tau ler, ni bkn kos yg aku nk... aku doa sgt aku dpt jatuh hati ngn kos ni secepat mngkin... aku nk score lek lok.. wish me luck ok? ngee.. ^_^

btw, bnde yg plg x syok ado le, lecture kt BK - bilik kuliah (cm bilik tec bgi spe2 dak asasi palam tau le cmne).. cm kelas bse kot.. cm siot ja.. aku gilos2 engt lecture akn wt kt DK - dewan kuliah kt fsk 7 tu.. dlu mse asasi dwn lecture sgt best ok.. kerusi sgt empuk n selesa.. best utk tdo.. LOL... dok dlm BK selama 2 jam mmg kebas punggung aku.. -.- serius, aku awl2 dpt palam, ok.. best.. lecture hall sgt best, sgt selesa.. but then, dh jdi cmni mmg punah feel blaja ok.. grr.. dh ler BK tu kt aras 4 bgai.. lift xyh ckp le, mmg 'ley' gne.. ado 4 ja.. so, phm2 le.. mmg kne nek tngga.. -.-

jadual sem 1 deg ok ler.. yg pntg ri jumaat kelas abes awl.. sem ni kelas ri jumaat abes kol 12.30 tgh hari.. i like, woah!! 1st time ok ri jumaat blek awl cmtu.. dlu mse asasi, dua2 sem klas jumaat abes kol 5.30++... so, aku mmg x sbr tngu jumaat ni.. nk blek ipoh.. yeah!! mmg aku peduli apa ado karnival kolej bgai.. BHAHA.. lgpn mngu ni cuti smpi isnin.. so jumaat ni blek ipoh nek bas kol 3.15 kot.. sbb nk amek bus kol 1.15 mmg 'sempat' sgt le kn.. kelas pn abes kol 12.30.. palam ke klang sentral dkt 30 mnt.. xpo2, yg pntg x perlu nek bus mlm.. hahaha...

life aku kt palam so far ok.. tp aku rndu sesgt classmates c9 sume.. i miss u guys!! korg ler classmates plg best ever!! aku rndu buli n kco ain.. dok smbg2 n tdo sme2 dlm kelas ngn meyra, alia, shima... rndu stdy group ngn usop, shima, meyra, yana dll... aku rndu wt lab chem ngn zu n azri (pfft.. ske aku ngn zu suh azri wt soklan... haha) rndu lepak2 n mkn2 pas kelas ngn yana, ain, ara, meyra, alia, shima, aten, ila, aiyshah dll..  aku dok palam ni, tgk tmpt2 kita ske lpk sblom aku rse sayu ok.. sob3...

classmates aku deg ni so far, no komen.. dak kos aku hnya ado 28 ka 29 org ja.. so mmg 1 kelas ja yg ado.. skit gilos kn.. hahaha.. dh supe bilangan dak kelas aku mse asasi dlu.. hehe.. housemates lak, dak r5601 gk the best.. wani, nad, wahidah, mira, amarah aku rndu korg.. ske lpk2 ri khamis ngn korg lyn cte hindustan, movie, drama korea bgai.. haha.. aku engt lg last day final, kita dok stay up lyn cte hantu.. haha.. best siot.. skg ni tngal aku ngn wani ja kt palam.. tu pn wani kos n kolej lain.. klo terjmpe ngn wani ske smbg sal umh kita.. hahaha... lwk ja..

guys, i miss u all so much ok.. all the best kt tmpt bru.. >.<

Sep 9, 2012

New Life Begins


hye guys, lme aku x update blog ni.. hahaha.. skg ni cuti dh abes... aku pn dh smgu kt palam.. yeah, fyi aku skg ni student deg kt uitm puncak alam... pelajar fakulti sains kesihatan kos environmental health & safety... btw, ni bkn kos yg aku nk sgt2 sjk aku sem 1 asasi kt palam ni.. so aku tersgt ler frust ble rsult upu kuar ritu... bygkn, kos yg aku dpt ni adalah pilihan ke 7 aku.. yg mne aku pn xtau aku mhon kos tu.. what the heck rite.. lol...

btw skg dh smgu aku kt palam... dh abes mds r pn.. mds selama seminggu cm bse, boring.. lol.. mne taknya, dh mds lbey kureng ja ngn mds mse aku asasi ritu.. just yg bezanya aku mds kt uitm penang.. tp ttp pengisiannya sme.. ada certain le yg berbeza dimana psal kolej kotrg hnya dpt stay selama 1 sem ja.. ye, 1 sem ja.. mkananya sem 2 kne dok luar, cri umh sewa sndri... grr.. btw, sal umh sewa x perlu rso sbb mak sdare aku akn carikan nnt.. nseb bek ado mak sdare yg dok area palam ni.. hahaha... mak aku pesan dlm sem 1 ni cari membe yg btol2 ngam utk dok umh sewa sekali nnt.. yola, dok umh sewa nnt bkn cm dok kolej... kne byr sewa bgai.. transport lg.. btw, ckp sal transport.. mak aku ckp dye akn bli viva dri cousin aku.. tp viva mia tu 850 cc ja pn.. ini x adil.. abg aku dlu dpt kete ayh aku yg viva 1000 cc.. T__T

lupakan sal kete sat, hahaha.. penutup mds ritu sgt awesome ok!! persembahan sume style2.. pm2 pye mds aku ske... comel ja dorg.. hahaha... pepon, terima kasih bebanyak akk2 n abg2 PM.. sbb jaga ktorg selama 6 ari mse mds lani... korg ttp jaga ktorg even ktorg kureng ajr n x ekot arahan bgai... >.< btw, akk sgt ske style kak mira... even dye grang n menakotkn.. aku ske krediabiliti dye sbgai ketua.. respek ok!! teringin nk jdi cm dye yg ado keyakinan yg tinggi utk menjdi pemimpin n berucap dpn org rmi tnpa rse nervous.. ^_^

esok start kuliah... TAPI!! aku xtau nk g kuliah mne.. i mean, ktorg dak fsk xdo jadual lg kot... ri selasa bru ado tklimat utk student fsk.. jadual kne ekot kt i cress ka?? tp seingat aku jdual kt i cress tu bknye btol sgt pn.. engt lg dlu mse asasi, jauh beza tol jadual kt i cress ngn yg official pye.. -__- skg ni rmi student fsk nga blur termasuklah aku even aku ni ex asasi palam.. terlolol~

n then next week cuti smpi isnin sbb isnin tu hari malaysia... aku rse nk blek kot ipoh, tp x sure lg.. x gtau pn mak aku lg... cousin aku blek perak, tp dye blek ri sbtu mlm.. aku ckp ngn dye, aku nek ngn bas dlu le kot jumaat tu.. just mse blek kl ni ri isnin tu aku nk tumpang blek sini.. sbb ado byk skit brg nk bwk.. ngeh3... thnx tau mia!! untung ler ang ado laki yg ley antakn blek jalong.. lol... 

n now hjung mngu kt palam mmg agk bosan... yola, dh xdo geng dak c9 yg aku ske lpk sme2... serius guys, aku rndu korg sesgt!! c9 always in my heart ok!! love u alls. >.<
smlm housemates aku sume kuar g pkns bgai, aku mls ekot.. xdo mood.. roomate lak blek umh, mmg aku dok sorg2 smpi maghrib.. hahhaa.. lntak pi... ptg tu kol 6 aku mkn2 ngn jnior aku ct shafika.. dye dak asasi palam.. bgus2, ado gk pewaris dak tambun kt palam lani... terlolol...

n aku sgt rndukan kucing2 aku.. momok n pak cik tam.. rndu usik momok tdo terlentang... pak cik tam pye bunyi yg ske bsing2 mntk mkanan.... dorg 2 ekor ske gdo.. -.- itam pyer koje ler.. lol... geramnya.. rndu nk peluk 2 ekor kcing nakal tu.. hahaha...

to all c9-nians, all the best kt tmpt masing2 ok... semoga ukhwah yg terjalin selama ni ttp kekal... keep in touch ok!! love u alls... palam still sygkn aku!! lol..

dan dgn lafaz bismillah.. aku akan start perjuanganku di medan deg selama 4 thn.. mudah mudahan diberi kekuatan untuk mengharungi 4 thn ni & diberkati Allah S.W.T.... insyaAllah..

Aug 8, 2012

Better Than Revenge

Now go stand in the corner
And think about what you did
Ha, time for a little revenge

The story starts when it was hot and it was summer
And I had it all, I had him right there where I wanted him
She came along, got him alone, and let's hear the applause
She took him faster than you can say sabotage

I never saw it coming, wouldn't have suspected it
I underestimated just who I was dealing with
She had to know the pain was beating on me like a drum
She underestimated just who she was stealing from

She's not a saint, and she's not what you think
She's an actress, whoa
She's better known for the things that she does
On the mattress, whoa

Soon she's gonna find stealing other people's toys
On the playground won't make you many friends
She should keep in mind, she should keep in mind
There is nothing I do better than revenge, ha

She lives her life like it's a party and she's on the list
She looks at me like I'm a trend and she's so over it
I think her ever present frown is a little troubling
She thinks I'm psycho 'cause I like to rhyme her name with things but

Sophistication isn't what you wear or who you know
Or pushing people down to get you where you wanna go
Oh, they didn't teach you that in prep school, so it's up to me
But no amount of vintage dresses gives you dignity

She's not a saint, and she's not what you think
She's an actress, whoa
She's better known for the things that she does
On the mattress, whoa

Soon she's gonna find stealing other people's toys
On the playground won't make you many friends
She should keep in mind, she should keep in mind
There is nothing I do better than revenge, ha

I'm just another thing for you to roll your eyes at, honey
You might have him, but haven't you heard?
I'm just another thing for you to roll your eyes at, honey
You might have him, but I always get the last word

She's not a saint, and she's not what you think
She's an actress, whoa
She's better known for the things that she does
On the mattress, whoa

Soon she's gonna find stealing other people's toys
On the playground won't make you many friends
She should keep in mind, she should keep in mind
There is nothing I do better than revenge, ha

And do you still feel like you know what you're doing?
'Cause I don't think you do, oh
Do you still feel like you know what you're doing?
I don't think you do, I don't think you do

Let's hear the applause
C'mon show me how much better you are
See you deserve some applause
'Cause you're so much better
She took him faster than you can say sabotage


Aug 2, 2012

Eyes Open

Everybody's waiting
Everybody's watching
Even when you're sleeping
Keep your ey-eyes open

The tricky thing
Is yesterday we were just children
Playing soldiers
Just pretending
Dreaming dreams with happy endings
In backyards, winning battles with our wooden swords
But now we've stepped into a cruel world
Where everybody stands and keeps score

Keep your eyes open

Everybody's waiting for you to breakdown
Everybody's watching to see the fallout
Even when you're sleeping, sleeping
Keep your ey-eyes open
Keep your ey-eyes open
Keep your ey-eyes open

So here you are, two steps ahead and staying on guard
Every lesson forms a new scar
They never thought you'd make it this far
But turn around (turn around), oh they've surrounded you
It's a showdown (showdown) and nobody comes to save you now

But you've got something they don't
Yeah you've got something they don't
You've just gotta keep your eyes open

Everybody's waiting for you to breakdown
Everybody's watching to see the fallout
Even when you're sleeping, sleeping
Keep your ey-eyes open
Keep your ey-eyes open
Keep your ey-eyes

Keep your feet ready
Heartbeat steady
Keep your eyes.. open
Keep your aim locked
The night goes dark
Keep your eyes... open

(Keep your eyes open [4x])

Everybody's waiting for you to breakdown
Everybody's watching to see the fallout
Even when you're sleeping, sleeping

Keep your ey-eyes open
Keep your ey-eyes open
Keep your ey-eyes open
Keep your ey-eyes open
Keep your ey-eyes open

Aug 1, 2012

If This Was A Movie

Last night I heard my own heart beating
Sounded like footsteps on my stairs
Six months gone and I'm still reaching
Even though I know you're not there

I was playing back a thousand memories, baby
Thinkin' 'bout everythin' we've been through
Maybe I've been goin' back too much lately
When time stood still and I had you

Come back, come back, come back to me like
You would, you would if this was a movie
Stand in the rain outside
'Til I came out

Come back, come back, come back to me like
You could, you could if you just said you're sorry
I know that we could work it out somehow
But if this was a movie you'd be here by now

I know people change and these things happen
But I remember how it was back then
Locked up in your arms and our friends were laughing
'Cause nothing like this ever happened to them

Now, I'm pacing down the hall, chasing down your street
Flashback to the night when you said to me
"Nothing's gonna change, not for me and you "
Not before I knew how much I had to lose

Come back, come back, come back to me like
You would, you would if this was a movie
Stand in the rain outside
'Til I came out

Come back, come back, come back to me like
You could, you could if you just said you're sorry
I know that we could work it out somehow
But if this was a movie you'd be here by now

If you're out there, if you're somewhere, if you're moving on
I've be waiting for you ever since you've been gone
I just want it back the way it was before
And I just wanna see you back at my front door

And I say come back, come back, come back to me like
You would before you said it's not that easy
Before the fight, before I locked you out
But I'd take it all back now

Come back, come back, come back to me like
You would, you would if this was a movie
Stand in the rain outside
'Til I came out

Come back, come back, come back to me like
You could, you could if you just said sorry
I know that we could work it out somehow
But if this was a movie you'd be here by now

You'd be here by now
It's not the kind of ending you wanna see now
Think I've had a happy ending
Oh, I thought you'd be here by now

That you'd be here by now

Jul 31, 2012


You and I walk a fragile line
I have known it all this time
But I never thought I'd live to see it break

It's getting dark, and it's all too quiet
And I can't trust anything now
And it's coming over you like it's all a big mistake

Oh, I'm holding my breath
Oh, I'm lose you again
Something's made your eyes go cold

Come on, come on, don't leave me like this
I thought I had you figured out
Something's gone terribly wrong
You're all I wanted

Come on, come on, don't leave me like this
I thought I had you figured out
Can't breathe whenever you're gone
Can't turn back now, I'm haunted

Stood there and watched you walk away
From everything we had
But I still mean every word I said to you

He will try to take away my pain
And he just might make me smile
But the whole time I'm wishing he was you instead

Oh, I'm holding my breath
Oh, I won't see you again
Something keeps me holding on to nothing

Come on, come on, don't leave me like this
I thought I had you figured out
Something's gone terribly wrong
You're all I wanted

Come on, come on, don't leave me like this
I thought I had you figured out
Can't breathe whenever you're gone
Can't turn back now, I'm haunted

I know, I know
I just know
You're not gone
You can't be gone, no

Come on, come on, don't leave me like this
I thought I had you figured out
Something's gone terribly wrong
Won't finish what you starting

Come on, come on, don't leave me like this
I thought I had you figured out
Can't breathe whenever you're gone
Can't go back, I'm haunted

You and I walk a fragile line
I have known it all this time
But I never thought I'd see it break
Never thought I'd see it

#aku dh fall in love ngn lgu ni.. lol.. best kot lirik dye... ngeh3...

Jul 26, 2012


There I was again tonight, forcing laughter, faking smiles
Same old, tired place lonely place
Walls of insincerity, shifting eyes and vacancy
Vanished when I saw your face

All I can say is it was enchanting to meet you

Your eyes whispered, "Have we met?" across the room, your silhouette
Starts to make its way to me
The playful conversation starts, counter all your quick remarks
Like passing notes in secrecy

And it was enchanting to meet you
All I can say is I was enchanted to meet you

This night is sparkling, don't you let it go
I'm wonder-struck, blushing all the way home
I'll spend forever wondering if you knew
I was enchanted to meet you

The lingering question kept me up, 2 a.m., who do you love?
I wonder 'til I'm wide awake
Now I'm pacing back and forth, wishing you were at my door
I'd open up and you would say 'hey'

It was enchanting to meet you
All I know is I was enchanted to meet you

This night is sparkling, don't you let it go
I'm wonder-struck, blushing all the way home
I'll spend forever wondering if you knew

This night is flawless, don't you let it go
I'm wonder-struck, dancing around all alone
I'll spend forever wondering if you knew
I was enchanted to meet you

This is me praying that

This was the very first page, not where the storyline ends
My thoughts will echo your name until I see you again
These are the words I held back as I was leaving too soon
I was enchanted to meet you

Please don't be in love with someone else
Please don't have somebody waiting on you
Please don't be in love with someone else
Please don't have somebody waiting on you

This night is sparkling, don't you let it go
I'm wonder-struck, blushing all the way home
I'll spend forever wondering if you knew

This night is flawless, don't you let it go
I'm wonder-struck, dancing around all alone
I'll spend forever wondering if you knew
I was enchanted to meet you

Please don't be in love with someone else
Please don't have somebody waiting on you

Jul 25, 2012



yo... lme tol aku x update blog.... sebulan lbey?? hahaha... bz n pnt kje pye psal smpi dh mls nk update blog.... pffft... btw,  SELAMAT MENYAMBUT RAMADHAN buat semua!!! >.<

skg dh 2 bln lbey aku kje kt tesco.... dh dpt 2 kali gaji r... 28 ni dpt gaji ke 3... hahaha.... so, cm post sblom2 ni aku cte sal aku nk bli fon bru kn? at the end aku bli htc one v ja... aku nk sgt bli one x... tp mak aku x bg bli fon mhal2 even guna duit aku sndri... -__-
dkt sebulan r aku pki one v ni... so far ok r gk... ngee...

kje cm bse le, tiap2 ari byk lori... geram ja... even bln pose ni pn lori byk... korg ni x rti nk rehat ka?? bhahahaha... mmg semput r kje mse bln pose ni.... dh le aku ni bkn jnis yg sahur... bru kol 12 tgh ari pn dh semput gilo.... grr.. sabor j ler...  btw, tnggal x smpi sebulan lg j aku kt tesco ni.. haha... 13/8 ni abes le kontrak 3 bln ngn tesco.. huaa.. heaven.... btol2 smngu sblom raya... nseb bek... >.<
n then, awl bln ritu dh dpt tau result upu... fyi bg yg xtau, aku ni lpsn asasi sc uitm... so, nga menunggu utk msuk deg sept ni... aku sdey gilo x dpt kos yg aku nk sgt2... sob3... aku nk sgt kos meltech kt palam tu... huaaa.... at the end aku dpt kos environmental health & safety... kos pe tu?? hahaha... first2 aku pn cm, wtf... kos pe ni, x pnh dgr pn... arghh!!! nak x nk aku terpksa accept le... yele... aku bknnya ad pilihan lain pn... mmg ler kos environmental ni kt palam gk, tp serius aku sdey!!! dh le skg ni uitm dh x bg student dye tkr kos.... hmpeh tol.... grrr..yg aku riso 1 j... dak deg kt palam ni bsenye dok kolej 1 sem ja... -.-  mmg kje sewa umh le sem 2... nseb bek mak aku akn bg kete klo dok luar... hahahaha.... aku msuk deg btol2 1 sept ni... hmpeh tol.... aku just dpt rehat 3 mngu ja sblom daftar... -.-

oh ya... 2 3 menjak ni aku ske je dgr lagu taylor swift... ngee.... of this was a movie, enchanted, better than revenge, open eyes n so on... sume best2... hehe... taylor swift, i love ur songs!!! pfft...
btw, lgu enchanted serius best... romantik doh.. kekdg dgr lgu 2 teringat kt crush  aku... tett... spe2 yg bc post aku ni diam2 sudaaa... lalala~

Jun 6, 2012

HTC One V vs HTC One S


huaa... aku dh konfius... tgh aku berkira2 nk bli one v ble gaji bln 6 ni kuar, tetbe membe aku 'rachun' aku ngn one s lak..... ley tgk entri aku sblom ni sal one v kt SINI ! aku pn berkenan ngn one s ni... beza rege myb dlm 500.. erkk.. but the problem is, one s still not available in malaysia market yet? grr... ble msuk msia pn aku x tau.. huaaa...... btw, class rep aku ckp mybe one s rege dlm 1.5k... sbub one X dlm 1.9k - 2k... so agk logik disitu... one v lak dlm 950++... so, terpksa ler aku up bajet aku ke 1.5k mybe.... so, ni rncangan aku.... klo dlm akhr bln 7 (max awl bln 8) one s dh msuk msia, aku angkt one s.... klo one s x msuk lg, aku bli one v ler.. hehehe.... conversation aku ngn class rep aku... hahaha...

aku : antra one v n one s mne lg best? ang rse rege byk beza x? one s x msuk msia lg

him : one s lg best. one s lagi mahal. aku rasa mungkin 1.5k kut. sbb one x skrg dalam 1.9-2.0 k

aku : 1.5k? ang rse mne lg baloi bli? klo btol one s lg best n baloi, aku smpn dlu duit..

him : kalau cmtu baik simpan duit beli one x trus -.-

aku : hahaha.. klo 2k x ler.. tp klo 1.5 k tu thn lg

him : simpan je la duit kalau cmtu. hahaha

aku : k... aku tngu smpi akhr bln 7.. tngu smpi gaji bln 7 dpt.. klo time tu one s dh kuar, aku grab one s.. klo x, amek one x.. pfft.. gler pe.. one v ja

him : suka ati ang la duit ang hahaha

aku : hahaha.. duit gaji coii..
klo aku x kje mne ler aku ad terpkir nk tkr phone

him : sbb tu aku x keje hahahahaha


aku : akhr kata.. baloi x one s? mne mng antra one s vs one v?? baloi x tmbh 500 utk one s?? pfft..

him : kalau ada duit, baloi gk. sbb processor dual core one v single core, pastu camera 8-meg one v 5 meg htc one series camera suma tiptop performance,skrin pun amoled one v lcd bese. 4.3 inci so besar gk ah


btw, meh cte sal kje sat... smlm best tol... kak lynn tinggi blanje aku ngn ajat kfc kot... segan doh.... aku mntk snack plate ja.. tp yg x thn tu, kak lynn bli lg bnde2 lain cm cheesy wedges n fries bgai... dh tu dye mkn skit ja... sua2 kt aku yg lain2 tu... mmg senak perut aku smlm kott.. hahaha... thnx sesgt kak lynn!!! >.<

rini lak aku pose... mmg haru tol pose mse kje ni... pntnya xyh ckp ler... sabo j ler tgk membe2 mnum air citrus yg free tu... fyi, ad 1 pallet air F&N citrus kt backroom tu... dok bertmbun kt blik claim... ble2 aku free, mmg aku g blik claim n mnum air tu... ngee..... bkak pose td mak aku belikn burger + laksa + kanji.. hahahaha... layan.... sok mmg x dan nk pose.. ari plg bz... selang seli pose ler.. ri jumaat pose blek.. hehehe..

Jun 3, 2012

3rd Week


esok msuk 3 mngu aku kje kt tesco.. tp sok off day aku.. hehehehe... ske btol ble tbe off day aku.. yele, dh le dlm mngu ni mmg pnt tol... ri khamis cm bse, ri plg bz... 1st time aku blek dkt kol 7.. smpi umh kol 7 lbey.. sume psal lori byk btol.. grrr... n then semlm... ya Allah, bz xyh ckp ler.. dh ler aku sorg2 kt receiving.. ari sbtu lak ad r antra hari plg byk lori... smlm mmg byk lori even cuti umum.. korg ni drebar2 lori x cuti ka? ngee... mmg kelam kabut gk aku smlm...

ri ahd cm bse xd byk pn lori, so mmg aku x ksh klo kje ri ahd.. but then pasni aku pye cuti ri ahd n perlu kje ri sbtu.. damn... mmg haru tol... pg td tgh2 xd lori tu, aku lapar.. ajat lak ajk gi mnum pg.. aku pn, 'alright' j.. tmbh lg aku mmg nga lapar.. pfft... ktorg g bhg HBA cri meyra utk ajk dye, dye yg nga bz check brg DC pn ok j ble ajk g mnum pg.. bhahaha... style2, tngl cmtu j kje.. aku cm bse, mkn 2 keping roti telur n mnum milo ais.. mmg kenyg.. ngee... >.<

btw, dak tu x dtg sjk ri rabu smpi semlm... ajat cte yg kak lynn ckp dak tu akn pndh ke tesco seksyen 18... perghh.. tu mmg berita terbaik pnh aku dgr spnjg aku kje kt tesco beb.... ajat ckp sepatutnya dak tu akn start kt seksyen 18 ri isnin, mknanya esok ler.... but then pg td pas aku ngn ajat n meyra minum pg kt pelita, aku nmpk kelibat dye.. wth... awat minah tu ad lg, cm si*l.. dh ler td tetbe suh aku close bol bgai, sdgkn dye senang lenang.. cm gampang ler... sdgkn tu kje dye kt invoice.. aku bhg receiving coiii.. pekehal aku yg kne close bol bgai.... pas aku siap close bol td, tros aku chow g tmpt ajat.. lg best dok situ.....

td mse lpk kt tmpt ajat, ktorg smbg2 ngn kak ina n kak lynn tngi.. kehkeh.. byk sgt kak lynn kt sini, so nk bezakn dlm blo ni aku tulis yg ni kak lynn tngi ok.. best lak smbg2 ngn dorg, sporting x mcm minah gmpang tu.. smbg pye smbg rupanya kak ina ni dok tmn indah... aku ngn ajat mmg gelak gler2 r.. ye r, mne sngka ad lg yg dok dkt2 area sini selain kak lynn tngi yg dok tmn pakatan.. pastu aku ngn ajat lyn novel yg akn di'return' blek ke karangkraf.. aku bc novel 'uda & dara" by aisya sofea.. x abes bc lg, x smpt nk bc smpi abes.. agk best... n then dlm kol 3, kak lynn mntk tlg utk tlg dye dlm destroy n brg rtc... aku ngn ajat yg tgh bosan x wt pape pn tlg ler.. hehehehe...

rini aku n ajat sepatutnya blek kol 4 sbub td ktorg x lunch.. elok2 aku ngn ajat siap2 nk blek, dtg lak abg firdaus, mngr hardline.. mai bwk brg hardline utk di'return'.. mmg spoil btol, time kita dh nk blek ler dye mai... dh ler suh aku n ajat kira2 brg utk di'return' tu.. ptotnya dye yg kiranya n siap2kn sume dokumen, bhg claim just terima brg tu j.. grrr.... at last ktorg terpksa blek lmbt sbub nk kira brg hardline tu ler.. -.-

28/5 - 4/6

May 29, 2012

My 2nd Week


skg dh 2 mngu aku kje kt tesco... dlm mngu ke - 2 tu mse ri selasa, aku dh dpt id n password sndri utk scanner yg sengal tu... ngee... so dpt le aku gne id sndri ble receive stok.. x perlu ler aku gne id spe2 r.. hee.. kn sng... mcm bse, ari khamis plg bz.. plg byk loading msuk.. huuu.. mmg pnt siot r, x dpt gmbrkn.... nseb bek jumaat tu x pnt sgt... hehehe.. tp 1 j yg aku tension dlm mgu ni.. ad sorg kkk kt bhg aku tu, cm harem.. x puas ati ngn jadual kje aku apekehal??! dh mmg aku dpt syif pg... lgpn aku ngn ajat mmg dh deal ngn en. ikhwan yg ktorg mmg akn syif pg.... ko pn klo syif pg mcm ler wt kje pn... sume receiving suh aku wt.. cm f*ck j.. dh ler main ske ati j dtg kol bpe, cm tesco tu bpk ko pye j.. spatotnya syif ptg mai pg... btol kata kak ana, dak tu nk dtg awl blek awl j kje.. receiving xmo wt... pastu kje ske wt separuh jln... ritu ad 1 receiving dye tnggalkn j cmtu, cm si*l.. kak ana mmg bsing le... grr... mmg mode aku ritu mmg xd lngsung nk wt kje... last2 aku g melepak kt tmpt ajat, lg best... heee...

ari sbtu tu aku off day.. mmg best le dpt cuti kn.. hahaha.. dh ler cuti smngu sekali j.. mmg cm heaven ler ble dpt cuti... hahaha.. btw, cuti aku ri sbtu tu x mcm cuti pun.. sob3... just pg tu j dpt tdo lme.. keh3.. kol 11 lbey pg tu g umh sdare aku... 2 pupu aku kawen, 2 beradik sekali bersanding.... kne g awl sbub mak aku nk anta puding yg dye wt utk hidangan pengantin.. huuu.....

mak aku ngn mak pengantin lelaki

mak aku ngn abg zul n wife

abg ayat n wife

ptg sbtu tu aku ikot mak n abg aku g parade.. aku jdi perunding imej utk abg aku.. aku pilihkn bju kemeja utk dye... yele, dh skg dye jdi presiden MPP kt kampus dye, nk gak bergaya.. lol.... lme gk nk cri bju utk dye, satu sbub rege.. byk yg lawa2 n serius mmg smart tp tu ler, rege mhal siot... tercengang aku tgk rege... huuu... n then sbub size, abg aku ni kecik.. kne cri size s.. byk yg ad size m... klo ad pn size s, kejap tgn pendek, bhg ketiak bsr sgt.. -.- last2 dpt gk cri, kt bhg brand Dapper.. hee.. dpt yg design yg lwa n size pn ok ngn abg aku.. sigh~

n then g cri seluar, tu lg satu hal, abg aku xnk yg ad plate kt pngaang.. hahaha... size pn problem gk, sekjp rse yg 31 muat2, skjp rse yg 32 bse sgt... tp yg serius aku ckp, mmg lwk.. perut abg aku ketara buncit.. pfft... gelak2 aku ngn mak aku mse pilih seluar tu.. promoter kt bhg seluar tu pening.. hahahaha..... pastu g cri belt utk abg n ayh aku lak.. smbil2 tu aku pilih tie utk abg aku.. huuu... lps cri brg utk abg aku, g cri lak handbag n purse utk mak aku... -.- mmg shopping sakan dorg ni.. huu... serius pnt ekot dorg psing2 kt parade... rse cm aku tmn yana dak kelas aku pusing 1 sunway pyramid.. ngeee...

n then mse byr brg terakhir mak aku, mak aku ckp "mak bg kamu pilih satu barang".. haaa.. pe lg, aku nk jam ler.... mse pusing2 cri purse n handbag mak aku tu, aku ter'berkenan' ngn satu jam tu.. huuu.. klo bli gne duit aku, mmg pokai ler aku kn.. hahaha.. nseb bek mak aku blanje.. hahahaha.. dh le dh lme aku xd jam, sjk f5 kot... mse f5 tu tetbe jam aku rosak.. sjk tu xd jam.. huuu... so, cmtu ler berakhr cuti sehari aku.. ngee... penat2.. >.<

p/s : rini aku cuti.. bkn day off.. tp cuti PH yg aku n ajat tarik dri 2 jun.. sbub rini ajat ad interview upsi.. huu.. xkn nk amek cuti tnpa gaji, rugi2.. so tarik PH j ler.. >.<


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